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Jobs and careers

Jobs and careers

Employment at Junget

Junget is always looking for skilled and committed employees for positions in our organization. We always advertise our vacancies on the Danish version of our website and on LinkedIn. We appreciate every application we receive. You are therefore always welcome to send us an unsolicited application on e-mail, marked unsolicited application.

Jungets internal set of standards

We at Junget aspire to create a company to be proud of. Working at Junget should be fun, and thus we made an internal set of standards, which we live by in our everyday working life.

The internal set of standards is based on following values:

At Junget we are proud to

"be welcoming

"act professionally

"care for others

At Junget we offer a workplace that gives you:

  • Responsibility and freedom to organize the work in accordance with the company's overall objectives.
  • Personal and professional challenges
  • Flexible employee policy

If this sounds like values and a workplace for you, don't hesitate to send your application.

Junget as a workplace

Junget as a workplace

Junget A/S is supporting the project "Sammen om integration", which is a project for companies helping refugees in to the Danish labour market.

Meet Syrian Habib Jack Touma, who is currently employed in our tool grindery in Hinnerup.

See video See video
Follow Junget on Facebook and LinkedIn

Follow Junget on Facebook and LinkedIn

Vacancies are always advertised on LinkedIn and Facebook side by side with our short features of customer events, deliveries and trade fairs. Junget is available on LinkedIn and Facebook.

Contact Junget
It requires both vision and experience to create customized machine, tool and grinding solutions for the industry, but at Junget we have both. Call Junget at +45 89365500. - Together we will find a solution.
Contact our employees directly
Jane V. Baiemler
Jane V. Baiemler
Marketingansvarlig +45 89 36 55 83
Anders Holm
Anders Holm
CFO & HR +45 89 36 55 25
Joachim Grøfte Ulfkjær
Joachim Grøfte Ulfkjær
Business Controller +45 89 36 55 00
Britta Sand
Britta Sand
Kreditor bogholder +45 89 36 55 24
Dorte F. Sørensen
Dorte F. Sørensen
Debitor bogholder +45 89 36 55 23
Torsten G. Ahlbeck
Torsten G. Ahlbeck
IT - Administrator +45 89 36 55 61